Palms Medical Group is a not-for-profit health care provider committed to bringing quality, affordable primary care and preventative services to you.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Saturday, April 5th, Palms Medical Group invites you to our Health Fair event at our High Springs location!Image of Palms Medical Group's flyer for the upcoming Health Fair on Saturday, April 5th, at the High Springs location.

Palms Medical Group is committed to meeting your health care needs and treating you with compassion from the office visit to the billing office. We realize that most medical expenses are the result of unexpected illness or accidents and are difficult to budget for. As a courtesy and convenience to you, Palms Medical Group has many ways that we can assist individuals.

Click here to pay via the Patient Portal


Payment Options

At Palms, we believe the ability to pay should not be a factor in receiving quality medical care. We accept most insurance plans, as well as Medicare and Medicaid. We also accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Click here for more Information about Insurance Options.

Health Care Assistance Programs

Sliding Fee Scale Program (SFS) – The SFS program is based on the federal poverty guidelines and covers services provided at Palm Medical Group including discounted lab services, Dental, Behavioral Health and prescriptions at our pharmacy locations. To see if you qualify for discounted fees, download and complete the application and bring it to any of our locations for review. Please note that you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader free software to view this document. Then you may digitally fill it in online.

Download and complete the Sliding Fee Scale application

Health Insurance Marketplace – The Affordable Care Act brings along a Marketplace accessible through that gives you the ability to compare coverage options, benefits, quality and determine which features are important to you. The Marketplace lets you determine the correct combination of benefits and price that fits your budget and meets your needs. The open enrollment period is typically November 1 thru January 31, each year.  You can still enroll in a Marketplace health plan outside of the open enrollment only if you qualify for a special enrollment period. You can apply for Medicaid and CHIP any time. If you do not have a computer, please check with your local library for access or visit Access Florida.

Affordable Care Act Resources – How to Prepare for Enrollment  |  What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?  |  Access Florida  |

Click to Enroll or Get More Information

Medicaid – Eligibility and Sign Up Information – Medicaid is a medical assistance program that helps provide access to healthcare for families with low-income and individuals. Medicaid also helps aged and disabled people with the rising cost of nursing facility care and other health care expenses. Eligibility is usually based on the family’s or individual’s income. The state and federal government share the costs of the Medicaid program. Get more information about Medicaid in Florida

Check Medicaid Eligibility

Apply for Medicaid

Florida Kid Care and Healthy Kids – Sign Up Information – Florida Kid Care is a state run program that provides high-quality, low-cost health coverage to low-income children 18 and under who are not eligible for Medicaid and who have limited or no health insurance. Florida Kid Care is made possible by four partnering agencies that will help provide assistance for quality health care for your child until the age of 19. Healthy Kids and Medikids are included in these partners.

Apply for Kid Care


Other Fees

Record Fees: There is a fee for copying health records. If you request a copy of your records, you will be charged $1.00 per page up to 25 pages. Thereafter, it will be $0.25 per page in excess of 25 pages payable before your records are released to you.

Sports Physicals: These are not covered by your insurance company or Medicaid. The patient is responsible for this charge; unless Palms Medical Group is providing free sports physicals. Check with any Palms Medical Group for times and locations of these services.

Refunds: Requests for refunds will be paid in a timely manner after review of the patients account. The account must be clear of any current charges and write offs. This will also include immediate family member accounts as well. If you believe have a credit on your account, please contact our Financial Services Specialists at (352) 463-4506.



Co-payments, co-insurance, and outstanding balances are to be paid in full at the time of service. It is important to notify the front desk staff if you are unable to pay in full prior to your visit. Services rendered that are not urgent must be paid in full. Patients will be responsible for full payment of all services if their insurance carrier does not pay within 90 days.

Palms Medical Group accepts payment by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, check, cash and money orders. Checks must have your name pre-printed on them. A valid photo ID is required to pay by check and credit card. Any returned checks from the bank may result in a returned check fee of $25.00.

Palms Medical Group attempts to contact patients with large balances either by phone or by mail to discuss payment options. If you do not respond to our attempts, the account may be forwarded to a collection agency. If you wish to discuss your account balance, please ask to speak with one of our Financial Services Specialists at (352) 463-4506. Due to confidentiality, we will ask for identification when reviewing the account. If a spouse is calling, we will ask to speak to the patient in order to receive permission to speak to the spouse regarding account.



Statements are mailed on a monthly basis to valid addresses. We ask that you please make sure that your correct mailing address is on file. If you have moved and did not notify us of your change of address, the balance that is on file may be forwarded to a collection agency for further collection activity.

Need Help?

Ask to speak with the Patient Advocate Coordinator at your local Palms office, or call 1-888-730-2374. You also can email a financial counselor at

Our Healthcare Services

Palms Medical Group offers a variety of services to meet your needs including Behavioral Health Care, Chiropractic, Dentistry, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Prenatal, Pharmacy, and Xrays. We also offer a Graduate Medical Program.

Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston
Lake City, Trenton, Williston
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Trenton
Bell, Trenton
Bell, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, Lake City East, Trenton,
Branford, Chiefland, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston