Palms Medical Group is a not-for-profit health care provider committed to bringing quality, affordable primary care and preventative services to you.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Saturday, April 5th, Palms Medical Group invites you to our Health Fair event at our High Springs location!Image of Palms Medical Group's flyer for the upcoming Health Fair on Saturday, April 5th, at the High Springs location.

CDC Guidelines:

Visit the CDC website for guidelines, advisable protocols, and the latest information.

What to expect if you have COVID-19:

Symptom Management and Treatment When You Have COVID-19:

Breathing exercises that may help with shortness of breath are as follows:

Pursed lip breathing exercises:

  • Sitting upright or slightly reclining, relax your neck and shoulder muscles.
  • With your mouth closed, inhale through the nose for 2 seconds, as if smelling a flower.
  • Exhale slowly (for 4 seconds if possible) through pursed lips, as if blowing out birthday candles.
  • Repeat inhalation and exhalation cycles for 2 minutes, several times a day when needed.

Deep breathing exercises:

  • Recline in bed or on a sofa with a pillow under your head and knees. If reclining is not possible, this may be done while sitting upright.
  • Place one hand on your belly, the other on your chest.
  • Slowly inhale through your nose; let your lungs fill with air, allowing your belly to rise. (The hand on the belly should move more than the hand on the chest.)
  • Breathe out through your nose, and as you exhale, feel your belly lower.
  • Repeat the inhalation and exhalation cycles for 2 to 5 minutes several times a day and when needed.

How to isolate when you have COVID-19 and protect others:

When it is time to go to the hospital:

Our Healthcare Services

Palms Medical Group offers a variety of services to meet your needs including Behavioral Health Care, Chiropractic, Dentistry, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Prenatal, Pharmacy, and Xrays. We also offer a Graduate Medical Program.

Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston
Lake City, Trenton, Williston
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Trenton
Bell, Trenton
Bell, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, Lake City East, Trenton,
Branford, Chiefland, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston