Palms Medical Group is a not-for-profit health care provider committed to bringing quality, affordable primary care and preventative services to you.


How do I make an appointment?

Click here to schedule an appointment or call the Palms office most convenient to you. We encourage same day appointments. Just give us a call and schedule a time that works for you.

Palms offers complete primary care. We also provide specialty care including pediatric, chiropractic, dental services, and behavioral health. We have pharmacies at eight locations (Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Gainesville, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, and Trenton). For a detailed lists of services see our Services and Locations pages.

We accept most insurance plans including medicare & medicaid patients. Our Financial Services Specialists will work with you to review payment options. See the Accepted Insurance page for more information. Financial assistance is available for uninsured patients.

Yes! When calling to make an appointment, let the receptionist know which doctor you would like to see. If you need immediate attention and your primary provider isn’t available, another provider will be happy to see you.

We have access to a Spanish translator at all locations and Spanish speakers at some locations.

Our Healthcare Services

Palms Medical Group offers a variety of services to meet your needs including Behavioral Health Care, Chiropractic, Dentistry, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Prenatal, Pharmacy, and Xrays. We also offer a Graduate Medical Program.

Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston
Branford, Chiefland, Gainesville, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Trenton
Lake City, Trenton, Williston
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Trenton
Bell, Trenton
Bell, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, Lake City East, Trenton,
Branford, Chiefland, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Trenton
Bell, Branford, Chiefland, Fleming Island, Gainesville, High Springs, Lake City East, Lake City West, Live Oak, Orange Park, Starke, Trenton, Williston